U7 - U9 Major and Minor Hockey Program


At this age level, the North Van Minor Hockey program is geared entirely toward teaching your child the skating skills: forward, backward, stops/starts, tight turns, crossover, and pivots, along with puck skills. We will be primarily teaching them basic competitive sport concepts and sportsmanship. In the later Initiation years, we will introduce the rules of the game, positional play, offsides, icing, etc.

There are no league standings, no league championships, and no Banners. We don’t even keep score during games at the younger age levels. At this level, hockey is about one thing, and one thing only: getting more puck touches and being extremely mobile on the ice.
Players can expect to play twice a week – generally one weekday and one-weekend time slot.

U7 / U9 Major and Minor

In both U7 and U9 two streams will exist in each age group.

  • U7 Minor (development stream) / U7 Major (proficient stream)
  • U9 Minor (development stream) / U9 Major (proficient stream)

Based on start of season evaluations we will determine the number of U7/U9 Major (proficient) and Minor (developing) teams  each season. All teams within each division must be balanced as per PCAHA rules.

Click the button below to find more information about the pathway


There are several options for registration

Option 1 Full Season Registration - Full season registration that will run from September to end of February/early March.
Option 2 First Half Season: from mid-September to the second week of December.
Option 3 Second Half Season: from January to early March space permitting. Information will be available in November of each year if space is available. First Half season players will have the opportunity to extend their season.


U7-U9 Ice Schedule
Ice schedules are not confirmed until the player is placed on a team usually in late August. Players can expect generally to have two ice sessions per week - one weekday and one weekend.

Frequently Asked Questions

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North Vancouver Minor Hockey
2411 Mount Seymour Parkway,
North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Y9

