Thank you Coaches, Managers, and HCSPs for volunteering.
You are invaluable to the association and we appreciate your time.
CLICK HERE to check if your certification status
Create a new account and then click on "link a member" and then fill out your name and birthdate
Certification Requirements for ALL team officals
All Managers, Coaches, HCSP, and On-ice Helpers, MUST complete the following 3 certifications before being rostered and allowed on the ice.
Upon successful completion of all courses, submit your receipt and certificate of completion to for reimbursement.
Respect in Sport for Activity Leaders
This program is required for all team officials and on-ice helpers with renewal required every five years. Must be completed prior to participation
CLICK HERE to take or renew your RIS certification.
Volunteers must pay the course fee and then submit their certificate of completion, receipt, team name, and name and mailing address to for reimbursement.
Coach Certification
All Head and Assistant Coaches must complete the base requirements in addition to the coach certification. Select the age group you will be coaching to see the certification required. Must be completed by December 15.
Hockey Canada Saftey Program (HCSP)
Each team must have at least on certified HCSP person present at all games and team events. HCSP certification expires after three years.
The Hockey Canada Safety Program – Level 1 is a risk management and safety education program for the volunteer Safety Person on all minor, junior, female and senior hockey teams. The goal of the program is to ensure safety is your primary responsibility and first priority during all hockey-related activities, both on and off the ice. The program will allow you to utilize a proactive, preventative approach to safety while being prepared to react in the event of accidents, injuries or medical emergencies.
Contact us
North Vancouver Minor Hockey
2411 Mount Seymour Parkway,
North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Y9