Certification Requirements

Thank you Coaches and Managers for volunteering your time to support NVMHA!
You are invaluable to the association and we appreciate your time.

To Check if you are certified or need any certification

Create a new account and then click on link a member and then put in your name and birthdate

Certification Requirements

All volunteers must complete 3 core certifications and requirements before stepping on the ice. These include:


  1. RESPECT IN SPORT FOR ACTIVITY LEADERS (RIS) - required prior to participation - Complete First
  2. POLICE INFO CHECK (PIC or CRC) - done every three years; required prior to participation. IMPORTANT: you must send (via email) a screenshot of on-line submission confirmation page to the registrar for recording as it can take some time to get the document when submitted online. For paper CRC please send a scanned copy to the registrar.
  3. CONCUSSION AWARENESS TRAINING TOOL (CATT); required prior to participation
See below for links and more information on requirements.
Reimbursement for any course fees can be requested by sending receipt and certificate of completion to treasurer@nvmha.com.

CLICK HERE for printable certification information

Concussion Awareness Training Tool - coaches version

All team officials and on-ice helpers are required to complete the CATT program (coaches version) prior to participation. There is no cost for this program
Please CLICK HERE to complete CATT

Respect in Sport for Hockey Leaders

This program is required for all team officials and on-ice helpers with renewal required every five years. Must be completed prior to participation
CLICK HERE to take or renew your RIS certification.

Volunteers must pay the course fee and then submit their certificate of completion, receipt, team name, and name and mailing address to treasurer@nvmha.com for reimbursement.


Police Information Check

All volunteers and professional staff are required to complete a Police Information Check prior to participation. Please only complete once you have RIS for activity leaders
There are two options:

  • CLICK HERE to complete a Police Information Check (Criminal Records Check) on-line
    Use Access Code: CC6EPWUV9R
    You must send submission # or screen shot immediately following completion to registrar@nvmha.com


  • Download the NVMHA Introduction Letter and head to the RCMP station to complete the check. Note with this option the complete check will be sent to you and you will need to send it to registrar@nvmha.com for recording.




Coaching Certifications

- coaches must also complete a Police Information Check, CATT, RIS prior to participating

Coach 1 - Intro to Coach - for U6 to U9 Coaches

The course is offered as a blended model, with modules offered via E-Learning and, once completed, a face to face clinic. Delegates are qualified after both e-learning and the face to face clinic components are satisfied. Must be completed by December 15.

Coach 2 - Coach Level - for U11 (C and rep) and U13 - U18 C Coaches

The course is offered as a blended model, with modules offered via E-Learning and, once completed, a face to face clinic. Delegates are qualified after both e-learning and the face to face clinic components are satisfied. Must be completed by December 15.

Development 1 - Rep Coaches for U13 - U18

This is a two-day in-person course.  After completion of this course, you will be required to submit a written assignment, have a field evaluation, and take an online ethics evaluation. Must be completed by December 1.

CLICK HERE to register for a Coaching Clinic

Hockey Canada Safety Program (HCSP)

Each team must have at least on certified HCSP person present at all games and team events. HCSP certification expires after three years. HCSP volunteers must also complete a Police Info check, CATT, RIS for Leaders. Must be completed prior to participating
CLICK HERE for information and to register for HCSP courses.

Registration Process


Search the E-Learning Clinic via Hockey Canada E-Hockey.

The course is called HU – Online Coach 1/2


Register for the e-learning course.


Complete the e-learning course.

Upon completion, you are now set for the face to face clinic. Since the e-learning course is a pre-requisite, you will not be eligible to register until the e-learning modules are complete.


Register for the clinic of your choice via Hockey Canada E-Hockey.

The course is called Coach 2 Coach Level or Development 1


Complete the face to face clinic.
Submit the post-course tasks as identified in the course.

Reimbursement for Fees

Once certification is received submit certificate, receipt, team name and name and mailing address to treasurer@nvmha.com.
Note for Coach 2 and Development 1 all post course tasks must be completed prior to reimbursement.


Search the E-Learning Clinic via Hockey Canada E-Hockey.

The course is called HU – Online Coach 1/2


Register for the e-learning course.


Complete the e-learning course.

Upon completion, you are now set for the face to face clinic. Since the e-learning course is a pre-requisite, you will not be eligible to register until the e-learning modules are complete.


Register for the clinic of your choice via Hockey Canada E-Hockey.

The course is called Coach 2 Coach Level or Development 1


Complete the face to face clinic.
Submit the post-course tasks as identified in the course.

Reimbursement for Fees

Once certification is received submit certificate, receipt and name and mailing address to treasurer@nvmha.com.
Note for Coach 2 and Development 1 all post course tasks must be completed prior to reimbursement.

Contact us

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Mailing Address

2411 Mount Seymour Parkway,
North Vancouver, BC V7H 2Y9

