Update July 3 & 16 (final drop-off date confirmed)

Drop your used gear (in good condition) off for the sale:

  1. Wednesday, July 17 from 7 to 8 pm – NVMHA Equipment Locker
  2. Wednesday, July 24 from 8:45 to 9:45 am- Canlan Sports (Parking lot by main entrance)
  3. Saturday, August 3 from 10 to 11 am – NVMHA Equipment Locker

NVMHA Equipment Locker: 219 McKay, Advanced Storage Locker – near Capilano Mall

Used Equipment Sale on Saturday, August 17 from 10 to noon!

If you’re interested in volunteering on August 17 at the sale, we are looking for a few helpers from 9:30 to 12:30 pm. Please email equipment@nvmha.com (Don Woodman) if you can help for a portion or all hours.


The annual NVMHA used equipment sale will be held on Saturday, August 17 from 10 am to noon. More details to come a bit closer to.

In the meantime, please save the date and your used equipment to donate.

We’ll be accepting cash donations for any equipment you might spot at the sale:) All proceeds will be donated to Athletic for Kids!